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#501 QG 6-15-17

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#501 QG 6-15-17 Empty #501 QG 6-15-17

Post by QG Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:27 pm

*"Joe Fish!" A shocked Lysandros says, when he sees Joe on TV. "Do you know that man?" Clara asks. "Far too well." Lysandros notes.

*"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Joe Fish. You can call me your killer." Joe says. "What the heck is he talking about?" Mrs. Babada wonders. "All will be revealed, Mrs. Babada. By the way, might I say that you look even lovelier than you did all those years ago." Joe says. "Wait, are you spying on us?" Katie asks. "He must've hacked into the security cameras somehow, and is using them to spy on us." Josephine says. "Very perceptive, as always, Josephine Cat. Oh, I'm sorry, its just Josephine now. My mistake." Joe says. "What did you mean when you said that you were our killer?" King Beast asks. "Always the curious one, aren't you King Beast? By the way, I never got the chance to tell you how good you look for a dead man. I hear that since I've been gone, you've returned from the dead not once, but twice. Impressive." Joe says. "Answer me! What did you do?" King Beast angrily asks. "Not in the mood for small talk, are we? Its understandable, really. Well, since you keep asking, I might as well tell you. You see, I have pulled off the trick of the century. Its quite remarkable, actually, and I hope you'll all agree." Joe says. "Get to the point." Andy demands. "Okay, if you insist. You see, I've done something really, really crazy. Do you know how you all need air to breathe?" Joe asks. Victor sighs. "Yes. What's your point?" Victor asks. Joe smiles. "I've contaminated that air. I have unleashed a toxin, and at this moment, that very toxin has infiltrated each of your bodies. You have all been infected." Joe says. "He's lying." V.J says. "Yee with little faith, Detective. You don't think I'm capable of contaminating an entire city's air supply with a deadly toxin?" Joe asks. "He's definitely capable of it." Andy notes. "I'm glad at least SOMEONE isn't making the mistake of underestimating me." Joe says. Don shows up. "Well its about time, Commissioner." Victor says. "Sorry, I had some last minute things to tie up at the station. I got a call about Joe Fish hijacking the TV broadcast." Don says. "How kind of you to join the party, Commissioner. Did your boys in blue at the station fill you in?" Joe asks. "He's using the cameras to spy on us." Josephine tells Don. Don looks at the monitor. "They tell me that you've claimed to have poisoned the city's air supply." Don says. "Genius, isn't it?" Joe asks. "Assuming its true." Don says. "Considering what I know about Joe Fish, this is right up his ally." Andy says. "I contacted the CDC, and they are in the process of testing the air quality, to find out if Joe really did contaminate the local air." Don says. "I'll save you and the CDC the trouble. I did poison the air supply. If you are curious about the type of poison I used, I suggest you ask Detective Andy Goo." Joe says. Don turns towards Andy. "What is he talking about?" Don asks. "Joe must've used the same poison he used on me." Andy says. "Joe poisoned you?" Don asks. "Well, first, Kitty Cat had him poisoned, after she died. Then, Joe poisoned me in hopes that he could coerce me to help him find the cure." Andy says. "So there is a cure?" Don asks. "Yes, but its very difficult to create." Andy says. "Try impossible. Opening that portal severely weakened Claire's power, no way would she be able to open another one." Joe notes. "Portal? What is this guy talking about?" Don asks. "Commissioner, with all due respect, you should focus less on the portal, and more on the citizens of your fair city. You are all doomed. Well, all of you with the exception of Andy." Joe says. "What do you mean?" Andy asks. "Doctor Andropov told me that now that you've been given the cure, you are now immune to the poison. Congrats!" Joe says. "I don't know what you are so giddy about. You are still dying." Andy says. "Actually, I'm not. Doctor Andropov was kind enough to hold on to a dose of the antidote for me. So, I've recovered! Yay me!" Joe says. Don's phone rings. "Ah, that must be the CDC. Go on, Donny, take the call. Go on, I'll wait." Joe says. Don answers the phone. "Yeah, this is Commissioner Reynolds...I see....Thank you for updating me." Don says, before hanging up. "Well?" Josephine asks. "He isn't bluffing. The CDC has confirmed that there is a pathogen in the air." Don says. "I knew it." Andy says. Don walks over to V.J and Serena. "Detective, I need you to try and find out where that broadcast is coming from. We need to track Joe Fish down and bring him into custody as soon as possible." Don says. "Alright, I'm on it." V.J says. V.J turns towards Serena. "I'll be back." V.J tells her. "Okay, be careful." Serena says. "I will." V.J says, before walking off. "Oh no, he's going to trace the signal? Should I run? Probably not, I'm sure he wont be able to find me. He doesn't strike me as the smartest tool in the shed. Not surprising, the Fantastic police department seems to have that effect on people." Joe says. "Shut up!" Don yells. "Touchy touchy. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or maybe its the poison." Joe says. "You son of a bitch!" Brady yells. "Oh relax! So you are gonna die! Big deal! At least I had the courtesy to warn you first!" Joe says. "Your vendetta is with me, Joe. I don't know why you are targeting all of these innocent people." Andy says. "Don't worry, old friend. I'll settle my score with you, eventually. But, for now, I am focusing more on my long term plan. I am about to become the strongest, most powerful individual this planet has ever known. Fantastic City is a mere stepping stone. Before long, this entire planet will be bowing before me, and anyone who has the gall to oppose me will be dead." Joe growls. "You are insane!" Kristina says. "Thank you, Katerina. Your praise means so much to me. Well, as fun as this has been, I really should be going. I have places to go, people to see, you know how it goes." Joe says. "Where are you?!" Andy angrily asks. "Closer than you think. No need to come searching for me, Andy, I'll be seeing you real soon." Joe says, before the monitor turns black. Everyone stands there, in total silence.

*"Oh my god, I cant believe this is happening. We are all dying." Clara says. "I'm sure everything will be fine." Lysandros assures her. "Who is that guy, Lysandros? I know that you said and he said that his name is Joe Fish, but how do you know him?" Clara asks. "Once upon a time, I worked for him." Lysandros says. "What?" Clara asks. "Do you remember when I told you how I was indoctrinated into becoming an assassin? Well Joe Fish was the person who indoctrinated me. He was the head of LIBERTY, I'm assuming he still is." Lysandros says. "You told me he was dead." Clara says. "I believed he was. Clara, I truly had no idea that Joe was still alive! I was told that Dylan Stanpatos pushed him off of a cliff, and that he fell to his death." Lysandros says. "Well, apparently, Dylan didn't actually kill him." Clara says. "And now, he's poisoned the entire city." Lysandros says. Lysandros tries to get out of bed, but Clara stops him. "What are you doing?!" Clara asks. "I need to go find Joe and put an end to this!" Lysandros says. "No, you cant! You are recovering from a stab wound, a gunshot wound, and a kidney transplant, going after this Joe Fish guy is suicide!" Clara says. "I can handle myself." Lysandros says. "I didn't say you couldn't, but you are in a weakened state. One wrong move, and you'll be right back in the hospital, even worse, maybe even a coffin." Clara says. "Well, when you put it like that." Lysandros says. "Just stay in bed, and let the police handle Joe." Clara says. "Its going to be difficult for me to do that. This is the same man who preyed on my vulnerability and turned me into a stone cold killer. He deserves to pay, not just for what he did to me, but for what he did to everyone else who was in my position. Every other broken kid that didn't know where to go or what to do. He has ruined so many lives Clara, and he needs to be stopped!" Lysandros yells.

*Alexios is sitting by Rebecca's side, when Silvia comes in. "Hey, sorry to bother you. Were you watching the TV just now?" Silvia asks. Alexios nods. "Yeah, I was watching." Alexios says. "Do you think its true? Is there really some kind of toxin in the air?" Silvia asks. "Its true. I've been checking news updates on my phone, and the CDC confirmed that there is a toxin that has contaminated the air." Alexios says. "This is crazy! We could all die!" Silvia notes. Alexios stands up. "It isn't going to come to that, do you hear me? They are gonna find a cure for this poison, whatever it is, and Joe Fish is going to be stopped, once and for all." Alexios says. "I hope so. My baby has been effected, Alexios! She breathes in the same air as the rest of us. How could someone put innocent children like her at risk? What kind of sick monster would do a thing like that?" Silvia asks. "I-I don't know. Its sick, definitely." Alexios says. Alexios' phone starts to ring. "Hang on, I need to take this." Alexios says. Alexios answers the phone. "Bethany?" Alexios asks. "Did you see what just happened?" Bethany asks. "Yeah, I was watching the broadcast live. Are you alright?" Alexios asks. "For someone who has a deadly poison inside of them, yeah, I'm okay. Better than being shot, I guess." Bethany says. "I'm glad you are trying to look at the brighter side of things." Alexios says. "I'm just trying to keep my mind off of the fact that there is no brighter side. This lunatic poisoned the entire city, and apparently, a cure exists, but it is impossible to get." Bethany says. "No, we'll get it. I don't care how much money I need to fork over to get it, we'll all be cured." Alexios says. "I don't think its gonna be that easy." Bethany says. Alexios looks over at Rebecca.

*Theo runs over to the nurses station, where Adelina is working. "Did you hear what happened?" Theo asks. "Yeah, I was taking a quick break, and decided to watch the broadcast from the party at the park. Man, what a big mistake. First, my mother crashes the party with some crappy musical number. Now this?" Adelina asks. "We should probably prepare some cubicles, I have a feeling we are going to see an increase in patients." Theo says. Tina runs over to Theo. "Doctor Douglas!" Tina says. "Yes?" Theo asks. "Have any patients with the poison been admitted yet?" Tina asks. "As far as I know, no. But, I'm sure that isn't going to last." Theo says. "Maybe we should run some tests on one of us, so that we can get a good idea of what the poison is." Tina says. "No need, I've seen this poison before from when Andy Goo had it. It isn't an ordinary poison, it acts like a disease, slowly killing you. Now, from what I've heard, Andy seems to have been cured, but from what Joe Fish said, it doesn't sound like getting another dose of the antidote is going to be easy." Adelina says. "We need to. If we don't, people are going to die." Theo says. The elevator doors open, and paramedics rush a patient off of the elevator, who is lying on a stretcher. Theo rushes over to them. "What happened?" Theo asks. "We don't know yet. She was taking her dog for a walk, when she all of a sudden collapsed at the King Beast plaza." The paramedic says. "Get her to a room, I need to run some tests. Tina, be ready to get the results for me as soon as possible, once I give the tests to you." Theo says. "Of course." Tina says. Theo follows the paramedics as they wheel the patient into a room. Adelina and Tina look on.

*Andre is sitting on the sofa, in shock. Katie Cat storms in. "So, Joe Fish is apparently alive and well." Katie Cat says. "And he has poisoned all of us." Andre says. "You know, the one thing I thought Dylan ever did right was killing Joe. Now, as it turns out, he couldn't even do that. Idiot." Katie Cat says. "I should call Alexios and check in." Andre says. Bethany comes in. "You don't have to do that. I already did." Bethany says. "How is he?" Andre asks. "Fine, for now. But it isn't gonna take long for this poison to kill us." Bethany says. "You are being pessimistic." Katie Cat says. "No, I'm being realistic. This maniac, whoever he is, doesn't seem like the type to mess around. For some strange reason, he wants all of us dead!" Bethany says. "And he may just get his wish." Andre notes. "I'm gonna go to the hospital to check in with Alexios in person." Bethany says. "Let me know how he is doing." Andre says. "I will." Bethany says, before walking out. "You aren't actually worried, are you?" Katie Cat asks. "For myself, no. But, I am concerned about Alexios. I don't want anything to happen to him. But, if Joe Fish has his way...we are all doomed." Andre says.

*Acerbi is standing with Josephine. "Some day this turned out to be. This was supposed to be my day." Acerbi says. "It was never supposed to be your day, Mother." Josephine notes. "And then Joe Fish had to crash the party, and steal my thunder. I should have let him die." Acerbi says. "Wait, do you know Joe?" Josephine asks. "We met, briefly, several years ago. Your father brought Joe to my clinic, at the time, Joe was in very bad condition. Apparently, he suffered some sort of fall." Acerbi says. "This must've been when Dylan pushed Joe off of the cliff. Do you know where Wishbone is? Maybe he might know where to find Joe." Josephine says. "I have no clue where Wishbone is." Acerbi says. Andy comes over to them. "I don't think Wishbone and Joe are working together." Andy says. "What makes you so sure?" Josephine asks. "I saw Wishbone in Paris, and he was working with Claudia Stanpatos. Technically, he was working AGAINST Joe." Andy says. "You saw him? How is he? Did he ask about me?" An excited Acerbi asks. "You are dying, and you want to know if your psychotic boyfriend mentioned you? Lady, you need to set your priorities straight." Andy says. "As do you. You stupid idiot! You are the reason we are in this mess!" Acerbi yells. "Me?! How's that?" Andy asks. "You were the one who drew Joe Fish out of hiding." Acerbi says. "Actually, I didn't. Kitty Cat did when she poisoned him." Andy says. "Kitty Cat is dead." Acerbi says. "It doesn't mean her influence isn't still around. Even in death, that woman is still causing problems. If you want to blame someone for all of this, blame her. Not that it matters. Even if Kitty Cat didn't poison Joe, I'm sure he was still going to strike with this toxin he has at some point." Andy says. "He just chose to do it now because of you!" Acerbi yells. Ciara comes over to them. "That's enough! Andy's problems with Joe were because that psychopath poisoned him! Do you want to talk about DELIBERATE actions? Let talk about yours, like when you implanted me with someone else's embryo! Or when you let Liam Murphy impersonate Dylan! Or how about all of the other crazy experiments that were going on at that clinic of yours!" Ciara yells. Acerbi glares at Ciara. "I am needed at the hospital. If there is any development in this case, please, contact me." Acerbi says, before walking away. "Sorry about going off on your Mom." Ciara tells Josephine. "Its fine. She deserves it, sometimes." Josephine says.

*Lydia and Serena come over to Brad and Joel. "Are you kids alright?" Lydia asks. "A little shaken. Did that guy seriously poison all of us?" Brad asks. "Yeah, looks that way. But, everyone at the Fantastic P.D is doing everything they can to bring an end to this craziness." Lydia says. "Where did V.J go?" Joel asks. "V.J went to go see if he could track down Joe Fish using the signal he sent out when he broadcasted on TV." Serena says. "I doubt he can. This guy seems smart, I doubt he would've gone on live TV if he thought the cops could use that to catch him." Brad says. "Brad is right. No way are they gonna be able to trace that signal." Joel says.

*V.J runs into the squad room, and bumps into Jaz. "Yo, you're back soon." Jaz says. "Do you know what's going on?" V.J asks. "I sure do. Joe Fish poisoned all of us." Jaz says. "Yeah. I'm gonna try and trace the TV signal, to see if I can use it to track down Joe." V.J says. "Don't bother." Jaz says. "Why not?" V.J asks. "I already tried that. That broadcast that Fish sent out was untraceable, man. And, I have a feeling he knew that." Jaz says. "Probably." V.J says.

*Don gets up on stage. "Attention, everyone! Can I have your attention please! I know that this afternoon's events have probably shaken all of you up, but, I just want you to know that the Fantastic P.D is doing everything we can to catch the person who did this. Also, the CDC is working hard to try and contain the toxin. Until then, no one from outside the city limits will be allowed in, for their own safety. In the meantime, our primary goal is to catch Joe Fish, and to try and find a cure for the poison. With any luck, there wont be any casualties. However, I cant make any guarantees. All I can tell you is that I am going to try my best to protect the people in this city. For now, I ask that you all go home, lock your doors, and don't come out until you are given the okay. I know you are all already infected with the poison, but, its very possible that the person responsible is right here in Fantastic City, which is why I ask that none of you leave your houses, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Once we have an update on the search for Joe Fish, and the quest to cure everyone who has been contaminated by this poison, I will let all of you know. For now, I just ask that you all stay safe. Thank you." Don says, before stepping off of the stage. "I cant believe this is happening. This is a nightmare." Katie says. "Yeah, well believe me when I say that Joe Fish is gonna be stopped. I'll make sure of it." Andy says.

*Joe pours a glass of wine for himself, and Oleg. "That couldn't have gone any better." Joe says. "Nicely done, sir." Oleg says. "Thank you." Joe grins. "I've left all of Fantastic City in a panic. The people inside the city's boarders are all terrified that they are going to die." Joe says. "So, what are you going to do now that you've made your big announcement?" Oleg asks. "Very good question, Oleg. I have a quick stop I need to make. Its time for me to settle some scores with a few enemies of mine, by hitting them where it really hurts. Targeting their loved ones is the perfect vehicle to do just that." Joe says. Joe smiles.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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